CRAXY NINJA written in pink color with transparent background

Craxy Ninja’s Employee Retention Policy

Craxy Ninja’s primary intent when planning retention strategies is to lessen employee turnover. We believe that the employees are our most valuable treasure and intend to work with them for an extended time. This policy contains provisions of efforts to retain the employees in our company.


This policy aims at managing the employees in such a way as to motivate them to continue working with the company.


This policy applies to all Craxy Ninja’s current employees irrespective of their hierarchy level in the company.

Initiatives by the Company.

Craxy Ninjas takes the following initiatives to ensure employee retention in the company.

Training and Development

Craxy Ninja ensures that the employees are given regular training to help the employee to develop and grow. Expenses of the work-related and necessary seminars or courses will be borne by the company. ‘Craxy Ninja’ encourages its employees to experiment with new mechanisms to bring a change in the worn-out routines.

Comfortable Working Environment

Craxy Ninja understands that the company premises are like a second home to the employees. The company will guarantee that the employee is comfortable with the working environment. The company will provide the necessary hygiene facility to the employees. The company will make sure to hold team-building activities like having team lunch or a trip, skill development training under supervision & career growth opportunities. 

Remuneration and Benefits

Craxy Ninja rewards the employees based on the employees’ performance. These rewards can be categorised as bonuses, pay raises, or other presents that distinctly shows our acknowledgment towards the employee’s efforts and value that they deliver to our company.


Craxy Ninja believes that communication is the key to a happy institution. The company is responsible for communicating the pay-raise schemes or new job tasks to ensure that the employees know all the essential details.

Resignation Notice

Purpose: To establish a standard procedure for employees who wish to resign from the company.

Policy: All employees are expected to provide at least one month’s written notice of their intention to resign. A written notice should be given to the employee’s immediate supervisor, or HR representative, as soon as the decision to resign has been made.


  1. Employee informs their supervisor or HR representative of their intention to resign.
  2. Employee provides written notice of resignation, including their last day of work, to their supervisor or HR representative.
  3. Notice period will begin as soon as the immediate supervisor will acknowledge the application.

If an employee resigns without providing proper notice, the company reserves the right to take appropriate action, including deducting wages, reclaiming company property, and/or not providing a reference.

This policy should be reviewed annually by Higher Authority and may be amended as necessary.

Note: This policy can be reviewed and modified as necessary to meet the specific needs and requirements of the company and will be informed to all employees once updated.

Annual Leave Policy

  1. Eligibility: All full-time employees who have completed their probationary period are eligible for paid time off. Part-time employees are eligible for a prorated amount of time off based on their average hours worked per week.
  2. Accrual: All full time employees will accrue 15 working days of paid time off each year, based on their length of service with the company. All part time employees will accure standard 10 working days of paid time off each year. It includes sick & emergency leaves
  3. Requesting Time Off: Employees must submit a request for time off at least one week in advance, except in cases of emergency. The request must be approved by a supervisor.
  4. Carry Over: Unused paid time off will not be carried over to the following year.
  5. Payment for Unused Time Off: Any unused paid time off will not be paid out at the time of termination or resignation.
  6. Holidays: Paid time off will not be deducted for company-observed holidays.
  7. Scheduling: The company reserves the right to schedule paid time off in a manner that best meets the needs of the business.
  8. Sick Leave: Paid time off may also be used for sick & emergency leaves.

Dress Code

At Craxy Ninja (Private) Limited, we believe that the way we present ourselves to our clients and colleagues is an important part of our professional image. Our dress code policy is designed to help ensure that all employees look professional, polished, and aligned with our brand.

        1. General Expectations:

  • Employees are expected to dress in a manner that is appropriate for a professional business environment and in line with our brand image.
  • Clothing should be clean, ironed, and free of holes or tears.
  • Appropriate business attire includes, but is not limited to, slacks, skirts, blouses, and dresses. Jeans, and flip flops are not considered appropriate.

        2.  Specific Requirements:

  • Employees in client-facing roles are expected to dress in business attire.
  • Employees in creative roles may have a more relaxed dress code, but clothing should still be professional and appropriate for the workplace.
  • Any clothing with graphics, logos, or text that is inappropriate or offensive is not allowed.

         3.  Grooming:

  • Personal hygiene is important in the workplace. Employees are expected to maintain good hygiene and grooming standards.
  • Employees should avoid heavy perfumes or colognes.

         4.  Religious and Cultural Requirements:

  • We respect the cultural and religious beliefs of all employees and will make reasonable accommodations for employees who need to wear religious clothing or head coverings.

          5.  Exceptions:

  • If there is a specific dress code requirement for an event or client meeting, it will be communicated in advance.

          6.  Enforcement:

  • Management has the right to enforce the dress code policy and request that employees change their attire if it is not in compliance with this policy.
  • Repeat violations of the dress code policy may result in disciplinary action.

We understand that personal style is important, and we encourage employees to express themselves through their attire. However, it is important that we all work together to maintain a professional and polished image for our company.

Break Policy

At Craxy Ninja, we understand the importance of taking breaks to recharge and stay productive throughout the workday. Our break policy is designed to provide employees with the flexibility and support they need to take the time they need to refresh and recharge.

  1. Lunch Breaks:
  • All employees are entitled to a paid lunch break of at least 30 minutes per day.
  • Employees may take their lunch break at any time during their shift, as long as it does not interfere with business operations.
  1. Other Breaks:
  • There is no restriction on Prayer breaks. However, employees must ensure that a break taken for prayer must not be used for other activities. 
  • Employees are encouraged to take short breaks throughout the day to recharge and refocus.
  • Other breaks, such as smoking breaks, may be taken as needed but must not interfere with business operations.
  1. Availability During Breaks:
  • Employees are expected to be available and reachable during breaks, in case of emergencies or urgent business needs.
  • Employees may not use breaks for extended personal activities, such as running errands or shopping.
  1. Enforcing the Break Policy:
  • Management has the right to enforce the break policy and request that employees return to work if their break is excessive or disruptive to business operations.
  • Repeat violations of the break policy may result in disciplinary action.

We believe that taking breaks is an important part of maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and we encourage all employees to take advantage of the time they need to recharge and refocus.

Bonus & Increment Policy

At Craxy Ninja (Private) Limited, we value the hard work and dedication of our employees, and we strive to provide competitive compensation and benefits that reward their efforts. Our increment and bonus policy is designed to provide clear guidelines for how employees can earn increases in their base salary and additional bonuses for their performance.

      1.  Increment Policy:

  • All employees are eligible for an annual salary increment based on their performance and contribution to the company.
  • The amount and timing of the increment will be determined by the employee’s manager, in consultation with HR.
  • Factors that may be considered when determining the increment include job performance, job duties, market competitiveness, and company financial performance.

      2.  Bonus Policy:

  • Employees may be eligible for performance-based bonuses in addition to their base salary.
  • The amount and timing of the bonus will be determined by the employee’s manager, in consultation with HR.
  • Factors that may be considered when determining the bonus include job performance, individual and team achievements, and company financial performance.

      3.  Performance Evaluations:

  • Performance evaluations will be conducted regularly to assess an employee’s job performance and determine eligibility for increments and bonuses.
  • The performance evaluation process will be transparent, fair, and consistent for all employees.

      4.  Communication:

  • The company will communicate the increment and bonus policy to all employees, including any updates or changes to the policy.
  • The company will provide individual feedback to employees on their performance and eligibility for increments and bonuses.

       5.  Confidentiality:

  • Information about increments and bonuses is confidential and will not be shared with others outside of HR and the employee’s manager.

       6.  Enforcing the Increment and Bonus Policy:

  • The increment and bonus policy will be consistently applied and enforced for all employees.
  • Any disputes or questions about the policy will be addressed by HR.

We are committed to providing competitive compensation and benefits that reward the hard work and dedication of our employees. We believe that our increment and bonus policy will help to ensure that our employees are fairly compensated for their efforts and contributions to the company.